The United Nations Development Programme, established in 1965, is a subsidiary organ of the United Nations developed to reduce inequalities and promote sustainable development in various countries. The Sustainable Development Goals are a set of seventeen global goals adopted by the UN as a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, designed to address a range of challenges from promoting gender equality to ending poverty. The UNDP aims to help countries address and achieve these various goals by collaborating with governments and the private sector. Delegates will collaborate with one another to address key development issues such as poverty and inequality to develop policies that work towards the goals set forth by the SDGs. 

Topics and Questions to Consider

Topic 1: Addressing the Implications of Economic Development on the Environment

Questions to Consider:

  1. How has your country worked to curb their carbon emissions while sustaining economic development? How will this influence your proposed solutions in debate?

  2. How does sustainable development limit your country’s pace of development? Consider economic, social, and political challenges that could arise.

  3. How can your country help developing nations “catch up” to developed power houses without increasing the global carbon footprint? How does your country’s development play a role in aiding or inhibiting others with theirs?

  4. What forms of infrastructure–if any–can be implemented in order to increase sustainable development. Who would this infrastructure benefit? How?

  5. What are possible issues that could arise when dealing with economic development and its effect on the environment? How can your country help in combating these roadblocks? Consider problems in the social and political sphere as well.

Topic 2: Improving Gender Equality in Impoverished Nations

Questions to Consider:

  1. How has gender equality in your country changed over time? What has your country done in aiding this change?

  2. What are the biggest challenges when creating gender equality? Consider cultural ideals, political implications, and education.

  3. What action can be taken in order to improve the lives of women in impoverished countries?

  4. How does access to healthcare affect the lives of women? What infrastructure should be put in place to increase access to healthcare and other medical aid?

  5. What has inhibited the decrease in the gender equality gap? What can your country do to combat these issues? 

Meet your dais!

Chair: Maddie Herczeg

Vice Chair: Kaitlin Tan

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