Pharaoh Djoser ruled over the Egyptian Kingdom during the 3rd Dynasty, around the mid-2600s BCE.
Questions to Consider
How can the cabinet ensure that the taxation system raises sufficient resources for the Step Pyramid without destabilizing the agricultural economy or overburdening the populace?
What strategies can be implemented to maintain the morale and productivity of the labor force, particularly in the face of potential unrest or resource shortages?
How should resources such as limestone and granite be prioritized and transported efficiently across vast distances, considering the limitations of ancient Egyptian infrastructure?
To what extent should the cabinet invest in Imhotep’s proposed technological innovations, such as hydraulic systems or advanced tools, given the financial and logistical constraints of the project?
How can the cabinet manage tensions between provincial governors and the central administration to ensure loyalty and prevent corruption or resource hoarding?
What measures should the cabinet take to reinforce public support for the pyramid as both a religious symbol and a testament to Djoser’s divine authority?
How can the cabinet prepare for unforeseen events, such as poor Nile inundations, labor strikes, or logistical failures, to prevent delays in the pyramid’s construction?
How will the policies and systems established for this project influence future state-building efforts and large-scale constructions in Egypt?