This is a double delegation committee.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) is a United Nations related organization committed to assisting migrants across the world and upholding human rights standards. It was founded in 1951 in response to the large number of internally displaced persons and war refugees in Europe after the Second World War. The organization aims to provide advice and support to migrants and focuses on saving lives, driving solutions to displacement, and facilitating pathways for migration. Delegates must utilize their diplomacy and ingenuity to explore the external impacts that drive migration and new strategies to best support migrants.

Topics and Questions to Consider

Topic 1: International Integration of Migrant Population

Questions to Consider

  1. What actions can the international community take to protect migrant communities from trafficking, smuggling and labor exploitation?

  2. How can states take actions in order to integrate and support migrants?

  3. What international framework should be created to ensure that when violations occur they are addressed effectively?

  4. What are some key ways that states can integrate migrants in order to ensure that they are not vulnerable for exploitation?

  5. To what extent does the IOM have the capacity to take care of migrants from actions within states?

Topic 2: Humanitarian Crisis Response

Questions to Consider

  1. Should there be international standards to protect aid?

  2. How can the International Organization for Migration overcome the barriers to giving Aid to displaced people?

  3. Does providing aid infringe on a nation's sovereignty and where is that line?

  4. What actions can be taken to ensure that aid sent to internally displaced people is not used for political power/ perceived as a play for power?

  5. What solutions are there to provide aid in order to prevent crises, directly respond to crises and step up long term success following a crisis?

  6. What framework is needed to allow efficient and effective aid to reach migrants?

meet your dais!

Chair: Glenna Bottom

Vice Chair: Lindsay Bush

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