The United Nations Charter Committee is a specialized body that was established in 1974 as the international committee recognized the need for the UN to adapt to evolving social and economic circumstances, specifically about enhancing international peace and security. The UN Charter offers recommendations for various peaceful resolutions to conflicts that are presented. By serving as a forum for member states to discuss ways to improve the efficacy of the United Nations, this organization ensures that the UN can adapt to new challenges. The delegates of this committee will be tasked with the goal of creating the International Court of Justice, a forum that is dedicated to exemplifying the principles of the UN Charter. 

questions to consider

  1. What should be the primary operative goal(s) of your Court?

  2. How would you organize this judicial body? How would you select judges and under what specifications?

  3. How will judges perform their duties incumbent upon them through discretion and loyalty?

  4. How would you define and legitimize jurisdiction? What safeguards would you put into place to ensure that the court’s rulings are respected?

  5. To what extent should the court have jurisdiction over States and non-state actors?

  6. What is your country’s position on international law/justice at the time? How might your nation’s specific legal system play a role in shaping a larger framework?

  7. How will the UN Charter aim to cooperate with other main organs of the UN to create parallels with the ICJ? 

  8. How will States be prosecuted under the ICJ? 

  9. What are some relevant treaties of the time? Consider the geopolitical situation of 1945. 

  10. How closely will you follow the decrees of international judicial institutions of the past?

  11. Will you simply want to modify the draft statute of the PCIJ or create something else entirely?

  12. How will the prosecution process operate under procedural matters?

  13. How much authority will this international court have in respect to the UN on the whole considering its other bodies at the time?

  14. How much of an authority do you think this court should have relative to international laws and state disputes? What of domestic legal systems or if disputing states have differing legal systems in place?

Meet your dais!

Chair: Andrew Severance

Vice Chair: Michelle Megnauth

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